2. Available and accessible care in the region
Umcs work as coordinators in the region together with other
hospitals, general practitioners, mental health partners, nursing homes and rehabilitation centers to coordinate patients' treatments and treatment plans. This increases the quality of care, contributes to the right care in the right place and increases the availability of care in the region. With, among other things, innovative e-health projects, umcs contribute to a reduction in the number of outpatient appointments, improvement of care, reduction of bed pressure and greater patient control.

Home monitoring of blood pressure and symptoms of pregnant women at high risk of complications replaces four to five outpatient clinic appointments per patient. The UMC Utrecht developed and implemented this e-Health application. Given this proven success, the Safe@home programme is going to be scaled up nationally. Watch the video

Erasmus MC and Admiraal de Ruyter hospital (ADRZ) keep elective, chronic and acute care in Zeeland available and accessible. Specialists from the ADRZ and Erasmus MC conduct multi-disciplinary consultations, medical specialists are exchanged between professional groups, and partnerships are set up, such as a shared care construction for the immunological treatment of lung cancer patients. Read more

The Skin Medical Centre is the practice for patients with skin conditions in the greater Amsterdam region. Dermatologists, allergologists and phlebologists of Amsterdam UMC bring collective special expertise. Dermatologists in training gain experience in the centre in specialist skin care. The centre participates in all dermatology research lines of Amsterdam UMC. Read more

Rehabilitation medicine of the LUMC and centre of expertise Rehabilitation Care Basalt have one collective care provision for the rehabilitation of all patients in South Holland. The two partners collaborate effectively on the right rehabilitation care in the right place. Care, research and training are the main themes for society. Read more

In Maastricht Heuvelland, GPs and Maastricht UMC+ work together in a semi-specialist network. This led to the Stadspoli and close collaboration in e.g. diabetes care. In 2019 the Schakel opened, a transition department of Maastricht UMC+ and healthcare institute Envida. Elderly people without a medical indication, but who cannot leave the UMC directly, stay for at most 72 hours in this department. Read more

In two IC networks in the region, the Radboudumc is a participant and the binding link. During the first COVID-19 wave, the Radboudumc kept in daily contact with all participating hospitals to advise about the content of care and harmonise capacity and logistics. Read more

Hartnet Noord-Nederland implemented ‘the right care in the right place’ in five intervention care pathways for 2,500 to 3,000 patients annually in the region. Only complex care or interventions are done in the UMCG. After a complex intervention, patients are referred back to their own cardiologist in the regional hospital. Read more