3. Network forming and collaboration
The Netherlands is struggling with rising healthcare costs, an increasing labor market tightness and an increasing number of patients with more than one chronic illness. As umcs, we are increasingly aware of the power and necessity of collaboration in networks with parties within and outside the healthcare sector. We therefore fully participate in or initiate networks for care and prevention, education and training and scientific research. In this way we contribute to accessible and future-proof care for everyone in the Netherlands.

Together with other hospitals and professionals in the region, Stichting BeterKeten stimulates and facilitates collaboration projects for patient care and scientific research in Rotterdam Rijnmond. It is convinced that combined scientific research and care provides more value for the quality of research and thus for the innovation of care. Read more

In Sarphati Amsterdam (AMC), data are collected from newborn babies in Amsterdam. The data collection is linked to regular JGZ [youth health care] registrations and aims to contribute to the healthy growth and development of all Amsterdam children. The emphasis lies in helping to prevent lifestyle diseases like diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases. Research, practice and policy are connected. Read more

Maastricht UMC+ set up the oncological network OncoZON for all kinds of tumours. OncoZON serves a region with 1.9 million inhabitants in the southeast Netherlands and is a collaboration between nine hospitals and a radiotherapeutic centre. The network works closely together with the Netherlands comprehensive cancer organisation (IKNL) and shares data about optimizing care and agreements in regional tumour workgroups. Read more

In 2020 RO West, the Comprehensive Cancer Network, officially took shape under the guidance of LUMC. There are now nine regional network tumour groups active. Each network tumour group (NTG) is multidisciplinary and consists of medical specialists of associated hospitals. Increasingly often, nursing specialists are included. Read more

In the Regional Academic Cancer Centre Utrecht (RAKU), patients from the Utrecht region with rare tumours in the oesophagus, stomach, pancreas, bile ducts and liver receive the best care regardless of the hospital they are treated in. To accomplish this, the specialists of UMC Utrecht and four other hospitals work across the locations. Now UMC Utrecht is setting up other partnerships that follow this example. Read more

The UMCG initiated the Citrien programme for regional oncology networks. One of the first results is that more and more hospital images and the patient summary can be sent and received via the XDS network, safely and simply. Exchange of care information is essential for good oncological network care. Read more

Radboudumc has taken the initiative, together with GGD and local authorities, for the ‘Wij zijn Groen Gezond en in Beweging Nijmegen’ network [we are green healthy and exercising], which was the first in the Netherlands to arrange a local prevention agreement. In this context, the Radboudumc stimulates a healthy lifestyle for patients, employees and students: a smoke-free environment, more exercise, healthy food and awareness of alcohol. Read more