6. Regional academic driver
As umcs, we develop academic knowledge and expertise about prevention, diseases and treatments with the region. This knowledge and expertise can then be applied in healthcare in a broader sense. In this way we accelerate innovations in prevention and care and in this way we are the academic engine in the region. All umcs work closely with providers of care and prevention in their own region, other research and knowledge institutes, municipalities, GGDs, universities of applied sciences and health insurers. We develop and share knowledge and expertise with regional partners about prevention and about the right care in the right place. We also share data in those areas.

Health Hub Utrecht, the regional healthcare network for healthy urban living, keeps expanding. A total of 25 varied organisations participate in it. They inform and inspire each other, share knowledge and develop ideas. The Utrecht municipality and UMC Utrecht guide this hub towards digital transformation, prevention and the job market. Read more

Scientists from Erasmus MC, TU Delft and Erasmus University work together on dealing with the main societal challenges in health, sustainability, urbanization and digitalisation. For healthcare, the aim is to develop innovative technologies and treatments so healthcare remains sustainable and durable. One result is the convergence track. Read more

At the initiative of Maastricht UMC+, more than 100 representatives from healthcare, education, the government and citizen initiatives are working on the knowledge and innovation agenda for the southeast Netherlands. Its four main goals to be achieved by 2030: smaller socio-economic health gaps, better support and care for elderly people, cohesion in the supply of support and care, manageable healthcare costs. Read more

‘I’m recovering’ is an effective e-health intervention, in the form of an app. The app targets faster recovery after abdominal surgery and was developed together with caregivers and patients. It is now first being used in three or four other hospitals and will be implemented nationwide in 2021. The scientific evaluation is being done by VUMC. Read more

Researchers and professors of the Radboudumc work in the East NL Open Innovation Platform on accelerating and applying innovations (especially in care) to add two extra healthy years to the lives of ordinary citizens. Sixty researchers and four professors are actively involved in and driving Topfit-mission programmes ‘Citizens in control of their own health’. Read more

Twenty doctoral students are working on research projects at LUMC Campus The Hague. With LUMC as the driving force, hospitals, the University of Leiden, The Hague municipality and the GGD are working together with primary care groups to create evident added value in care, training, medical education and patient-oriented research in the region. Read more

The mission of the partners in the care and prevention network Preventie Overleg Groningen (POG) is ‘more healthy years’. The population screening Lifelines forms the basis for a data-driven prevention policy. A regioscan has been done to accelerate existing activities in networks. Read more