Training medical doctors
The umcs train the doctors of the future. The changing demand for care from society plays an important role in this.
Each umc provides bachelor and master programmes leading to the basic training for doctors. The programmes are continuously adjusted to the new demands society makes on doctors. That is why the umcs are always making new plans for and agreements about the medical training programme. The NFU becomes involved when national issues are at stake, or for example in the development of the Framework for Undergraduate Medical Education

- Framework for Undergraduate Medical Education: which basic competencies must doctors have in 2025?
Regional partnership: the umcs train doctors together with other parties in the region.
Decentralised selection: admission and selection for the study of medicine.
Dedicated Transition Programme: in the last year of medical training, become acquainted already with your future specialism.
(Re-)Registration in BIG-register: how do you go about re-registering in the BIG register?
Medicine Programme Committee: the Medicine Programme Committee advises the NFU about educational matters.