4. Coordination of acute care chain
The demand for acute care, which is becoming increasingly complex, is increasing while the number of available healthcare professionals does not increase. This calls for a smarter organization and more cooperation in acute care. The umcs coordinate the acute care chain within the Regional Consultation Acute Care Chain together with various partners. Together they work on the necessary changes.

In Hart C, GPs, the ambulance service, LUMC, Alrijne Hospital and Groene Hart Hospital work together. The cardiologist on call reviews remotely the examinations being done by the ambulance nurses. This leads to fewer patients having to go to the hospital A&E: 20% can remain at home. During the COVID-19 crisis, this figure rose to 40%. Read more

The IC of Maastricht UMC + is the coordinating centre for ICUZON: the network for intensive care of nine Limburg and Brabant hospitals. During the COVID crisis, and in collaboration with ROAZ, scaling up of 200% was realised. The network became stronger during the crisis and is now better organised for future IC needs. Read more

Amsterdam UMC and the Emma Children’s Hospital sought a collaboration with all hospitals in the ROAZ region to cope with the shortage of beds during the severe outbreak of the RS virus. One of the results is the Kind Zoekt Bed website [child looking for a bed], which informs caregivers of the available capacity in children’s beds in the region. This enables all available beds to be used. Go to the website

Intensivists in the Rijnmond region participate in the ‘IC Rijnmond’ partnership with the aim to offer the same excellent care in all associated IC departments. Through a good distribution, allocation and collaboration, the IC capacity is used optimally. Studies are being conducted into the best aftercare, and VR-technology is being implemented. The Rijnmond region is the first in the Netherlands to have a regional quality standard IC. Read more

The Radboudumc has a burn centre dedicated to children. With all medical specialisms in one place in an academic paediatric burn centre, optimal care can be provided to the patient and family members. This has a direct effect on the patient’s treatment and recovery. Read more

All pregnant women are given questionnaires in the maternity centre of the UMC Utrecht: the Pregnancy and Childbirth outcome set. Outcomes of care (PREM) plus the experiences (PROM) of parents-to-be guide the care. The USER study, coordinated by UMCU, is investigating the use of this set in other regions. Read more

UMCG as a trauma centre organises the Regional Acute Care Forum (ROAZ). Bureau Acute Care Network North Netherlands (AZNN) is the coordinator of the ROAZ. Agreements are made with chain partners about ensuring continuity in acute care. For example, creating insight into the necessary and available capacity in the region and making agreements about capacity. Read more