Healthy region
The umcs have a great capacity to organise. They work together with many national and international partners. In the last few years, they have also been focusing more on their own region. This focus includes prevention.
The umcs are involved in regional academic workplaces and networks, such as the public health academic workplaces and geriatric care academic networks. That is where researchers, students, local authority officials and policy staff collaborate on policy for improving and revitalising public health. The umcs also support local authorities with their knowledge and expertise in the approach to complex problems or specific target groups. Their aim: achieving regional results through intensive collaboration with local government, GGDs [public health departments] and other parties.
With their great organisational capacity, the umcs fulfil a societal role as regional academic drivers: in regional networks with local government, healthcare insurers and other partners, they research questions posed by the clinical practice, together with partners both within and outside the healthcare sector. In this way, knowledge from scientific research actually contributes to promoting public health. Two examples of such regional partnerships in the field of prevention:
Bestuurstafel Gezond Utrecht
How can we contribute together to better health and well-being for the citizens of Utrecht? That is the key question of the Bestuurstafel Gezond Utrecht [Boardroom table for healthy Utrecht]. The members of this platform include the directors of UMC Utrecht and several healthcare and well-being providers. It works as an administrative starter motor for partnerships between cure, care and community.

Nijmegen Groen, Gezond en In Beweging
Nijmegen Groen, Gezond en In Beweging [Nijmegen green, healthy and active] is an initiative of Radboudumc, the Nijmegen municipality and GGD Gelderland-Zuid. Knowledge institutions, healthcare providers, employers, citizens and other parties participate in its workgroups. The latter focus on various themes and develop a range of local preventive projects, like Beweegroutes, Vitaliteitsweek and Vetlekker!