Action plan
The NFU, Dutch Hospitals Association (NVZ), Federation of Medical Specialists and Zorgverzekeraars Nederland (ZN) are jointly carrying out the action plan ‘Appropriate use of expensive medicines’. Its goal: contribute systematically to the appropriate use of expensive medicines.
How do we address this in practice?
We take a careful inventory of current and recently concluded studies and existing effective interventions (‘best practices’) for the appropriate use of expensive medicines. This will produce a clear overview, and the information can be shared. An inventory will also be made of which boundary conditions are needed to implement the interventions for appropriate use. The focus lies on influencing the volume of expensive medicines used.
We are creating conditions to enable these interventions to be implemented in daily practice quickly. We remove any barriers, and put stimulating measures in place.
We evaluate what the lack of knowledge means exactly for the appropriate use of expensive medicines. We also come up with promising actions to bridge these knowledge gaps.